My name is Amir, and this is my story.


Being the champion of the Kite Running Tournament was Amir's way of gaining affection from his father. While Hassan was retrieving the winning kite he was harrased and beatup because of his race. Behind the corner Amir watched. A friend was betrayed, and a friendship was over.

Monday, January 18, 2010

**** Star Rating Review

I thought this was an incredibly moving story. The acting was believable, and the insight into Afghan culture was interesting as well as shocking. It also had all the main points from the novel and was translated from the book to the movie well. The movie succeeds in putting a human face on what happened in Afghanistan creating more understanding. The themes of friendship, family, human values, and courage are well developed in the film.
The picture that was created in the film was incredible. The creation of what Afganistan looks like was deep and moving. From the desert to the shabby towns the film gave you an understanding of what it is really like to be in Afganistan. I liked how in the movie they were very detail. For example when driving they had the Taliban on the road inspecting cars and carrying guns everywhere. The costumes of the characters added and helps one understand the culture of Afghans. It was the little things that brought the film to life.
The acting was amazing, and, above all, it was a heart-wrenching story. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone, wheather they have read the book or not.

** 1/2 Star Rating Review

I give the film 'The Kite Runner' a two and a half star rating because I felt as though it did not capture the richness that the book did. There was a large chunk of the book that was cut out of the movie that made the book so good. As hard as it is to follow a book with a movie the director did not do their job in capturing the message of the novel.
While the movie captured all of its plot points, I felt that it captured none of the richness that made the book so wonderful. It just didn’t work for me. Very little was changed, but the things that were changed made little sense: for instance Assef was not the pedophile making the speech in the stadium in the film as he was in the book, which to me lessened his impact in the film. Also, the film left out the part when Soharb tries to kill himself and how they have to stay longer in Afganistan because they can not get Soharb a visa to the U.S Lastly, while the book at many references to the poverty the film did not capture the living conditions and what the people had to go through with the Taliban. The film did capture all the plot points, yet it didn't seem to develop in a way the book did.
As a critic I would recommend to only see this movie if you have not read the book. After reading the book, the movie did not speak out to me the way the book did.
** 1/2 Star Rating

Analysis, Editing

After watching the film 'The Kite Runner' I would say the editing was not terrible but could have been much better. As a viewer, it seemed very choppy when going from one scene to the next, there were sometimes a pause of black between scenes, a lot from the book was left out, and the flashbacks were hard to follow. Other than that the editing was decent throughout the movie.
The editing would have been much more efficient if the flashbacks and such were easier to follow. It was a creative idea to start the movie with the ending scene, but I thought that since we had already seen the same scene at the beginning the ending didn't give me that lasting impression that good movies should give you. To improve this error I would suggest that the editor have the same opening and closing scene but slightly change the ending scene by adding a little more. I would also suggest doing not so many present to past flashbacks. A few is alright but with too many it gets overwhelming.
I also thought that the editor edited too much out from the book. There were many key parts from the book that were not even mentioned in the movie. For example Amir talk a lot about how he visited the poorest of the poor in huts on his journey to rescue Soharb. I think that if scenes were added to the film to show the viewer what the poor people were going through it would help get the message across and give us a very in depth visual of what is really going on in present day Afghanistan today.
Over all, the editing could have been improved to make a better quality movie. I believe this movie could be magnificent with a little more description and a little less flashbacks.

Casting Call #3

I believe that Ayush Mahesh Khedekar would be a great candidate to play the character of Hassan in his younger years in our film 'The Kite Runner'. First of all, he has the look of the character we are trying to portray. His look will help show the culture of the Middle East and create a more realistic image in the viewer. Secondly he seems to be very talented and coachable for his young age. He did an excellent job in his previous movie, 'Slumdog Millionaire'. I think he has the ability and can succeed the standards we give him. Ayush Mahesh Khedekar put a spark in my mind for his look and talent in acting. Please consider my request with great care.

Casting Call #2

I would like to suggest Oliver James as an actor to play the role of Amir jan in his older years. James has the Middle Eastern look that we are searching for in the character. I believe with Oliver we have the chance to produce a well cultured Afghan. His ability to act is incredible. Raise Your Voice and What a Girl Wants are his two previous films he had roles in. In both films he played a kid falling in love with a girl. Part of the story in The Kite Runner is when Amir falls in love and marries Soraya. On top of all this, Oliver James has not had his actor break through so we can save a lot of money having him as one of the main characters. Please consider my opinion with much thought.

Casting Call #1

Jackson Brundage would be a great actor to consider for the role of Amir in his younger years. I know he does not have the exact look we are striving for, but with a little make up and editing I think we can make it possible. Jackson Brundage plays the character Jamie on the hit TV show One Tree Hill. His character on the show has a keen sense of knowledge, especially for his age. He makes mistakes but learns from them as well. Jackson's character Jamie similar to our character Amir in his younger years in a sense that they are both smart kids that make mistakes in their childhood. I believe it would be an easy transition for Jackson so he wouldn't need as much coaching as the others. Please strongly consider Jackson Brundage as an option for our film.

Anaylsis, Art Direction

The Art Director did a fantastic job capturing the look of Afghanistan. From the people to the city, the set looked as though it came right out of the worldly news we see every day. I also liked how the movie gave the viewers the real picture. The harshness and cruelty of the Taliban was not softened and it was a huge eye opener. We all knew it was bad over seas. The film The Kite Runner actually showed us how bad it was.
The set of the city and country Afghanistan was a riveting scene in the film. The city looked like it had been through a massive storm because of all the destruction. Houses that were lob sided and about to fall down lined the streets, while markets and thousands of people walked every which way. Another element that helped create visual in the movie was the fact that half of the movie was spoken in the language of Afghanistan. Although it was sometimes hard to understand even with the sub title the speaking of the language brought out the culture of Afghanistan.
I believe the way the Director portrayed the scenes helped bring out the message of the story. If they would not have been so descriptive with the costumes we would not have gotten the message of how bad it actually is over in the Middle East Countries. When evaluating Art Direction I would say the Director did an excellent job.

Song Choices

Song Choice #1
My Wish
By: Rascal Flatts

I chose to incorporate My Wish into my film not so much for the melody, but mostly for the lyrics. I believe this song's message can compare and relate to the story. My Wish is a song about someone wanting what is best for the other person. They hope that they can learn from their mistakes, live life to the fullest, and give back. In the story, Amir wishes the best for Soharb and wants him to live a full happy life in America. The song Rascal Flatt's lyrics in My Wish can relate well to The Kite Runner.

Song Choice #2
It's Only Life
By: Kate Voegele

I selected It's Only Life By: Kate Voegele because the lyrics talk about how when you are feeling defeated in life all you need is a little encouragement to get you back up on your feet. This song could be inserted into the film when Soharb is feeling defeated and tries to end his life with a razor in the bathtub. The softness in the melody would also add affect into the scene. I believe that It's Only Life fits perfectly into the film.

Song Choice #3
My Destiny
By: Katherine McPhee

I decided to pick My Destiny By: Katherine McPhee as a song for the film The Kite Runner. The piano melody brings mood into the scene and the lyrics relate to the story in the film. McPhee sings about how her dad helped her break free in life and got her to her dreams and where she is now. This song could be inserted in the film at the end when Soharb realizes everything Amir has given up for him and how much better off his life is now. The song My Destiny has the melody and lyrics to go with the film The Kite Runner.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

All the Memories Flooding Back

America was a place where I could bury the memories. What I didn't realize was that my trip back to Afghanistan would change my life entirely. My journey started off with a visit to Rahim Khan. He was living in my childhood house. It killed me inside to see Rahim Khan in such pain. As we talked and chatted our conversation came to Hassan. Rahim Khan proceeded to tell me that Hassan got happily married and had a son named Soharb. He gave me a letter that Hassan wrote to me. I carefully examined the letter. He wrote to me about the childhood memories we shared and how his son reminds him so much of us. After reading, Rahim Khan told me he had something else to say. Ali was not Hassan real father. In fact, Hassan and I were half brothers. Baba loved Hassan so much but never got to be the father he wanted to be to him. Hassan really was family. I couldn't understand. How could Baba lie to me like that? My whole life felt like a lie. I wanted to see Hassan at that moment. Tell him how sorry I was and thank him for standing up for me numerous times. But, with the Taliban in charge, I leared that Hassan and his wife were shot to death on the streets and Soharb was taken to an orphanage. Rahim Khan only had one request for me: to bring Soharb back to him.
I journeyed through Afghanistan with my old driver Fraid. My eyes were exposed to the poorest of the poor in Afghanistan. Something no one should ever have to witness yet alone live like. How could the place of my youth be gone? The streets were filled with beggars and there was no kite flying.
We reached the orphanage only to find that Soharb was taken by the Taliban leader. There was no stopping me, I had to find this little boy.
As we reached the Taliban's house my heart thudded and I had sweat running down my face. I remember walking through doors guards on each side. I was greeted by the Taliban leader: Assef. Talk about childhood flashbacks. Assef and his friends were the ones that beat up Hassan in the ally. He remembered me and I remembered him. I couldn't believe my eyes when Soharb emerged. He was an exact replica of Hassan. Of course Assef wouldn't give Soharb away for free. Assef looked at his guards and stated, "One of us will walk back out through these doors. If Amir succeeds, let him be." I had to dual Assef for Soharb.
Three hours later we walked out the door. I was great pain. And then, it all went black.
I woke up two days later in a hospital near Peshawar. The doctor said I was lucky to be alive. I had suffered from spleen rupture, seven broken ribs, a punctured lung, and various lacerations in which my jaw had to be wired shut for six weeks.
Soharb had saved my life and all the pain was worth it.
With Rahim Khan deseased my wife Soraya and I sucessfully adopted Soharb into our home. My world revolves around this little boy. I hope that someday he grows up to be just like his father.

A Fresh Start in America

It was the spring of 1981. I was eighteen years old when Baba and I left for America. Fremont California we were heading to. It was sad to leave behind the memories, yet the new surrounding helped me forget about my betrayal to Hassan. Over the years Ali and Hassan were forgotten. Baba and I never talked about the past.
Every Saturday we would wake up early, jump in the tan van, and go to garage sales finding the best bargains possible. Then, we would go to the market, set up our stand and try to sell the junk for a profit. It surprised me how many people actually would buy the stuff. The other vendors there were Afgahn culture as well. We all became family. The chattering and stories would go around all day long. The market was significant in my life because it was where I met the love of my life Soraya.
A couple months after being married Baba got extremely sick. He was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors suggested chemo but Baba refused. He had a painful few months and then one day never woke up. I was so alone without Baba, even with Soraya's comfort. To this day I still miss him terribly.
It seemed as though one bad thing after another was happening. We found out that Soraya was unable to have kids. It destroyed both of us. They suggested adoption for us but we still wanted our own kids. I had published four novels by that time which was great accomplishment. Yet it didn't seem like enough.
Then I got a phone call and learned that Baba's best friend Rahim Khan was very sick and on the verge of death. It wasn't even a question, I had to go visit him back in Afgahanistan. After talking it over, Soraya and I decided that I should go to Afgahanistan and she will stay back with her mother.
It was back to my hometown. Where the flashbacks and memories became alive.

Childhood Memories

When we were kids, Hassan and I would do everything together. Climbing trees, annoying the neighbors, sling shotting dried walnuts and mulberries, and running kites. Secertly he was my best friend. Secertly because he only my best friend when others weren't around. I mean who wants to be known for being best friends with their servent? Certainly not I. So it was a secert. When other kids would come over to play I would act like Hassan was dirt and not let him join in on the games. I would oven test his loyalty to me and make him do dangerous things. Hassan always did what I wanted. Sometimes, he could even read my mind. I couldn't understand it. How could Hassan be so humble and couragous?
My father Baba had built the most beautiful house in all of the Wazir Akbar Khan dsitrict. He bought me the latest toys, yet there was always something missing. Everything that I got, Hassan also recieced. Baba never missed a birthday of Hassan's and always invited him on our trips into the city. The way I saw it, Baba loved Hassan equally as much as me. It wasn't fair. Hassan hadn't done anything to ear Baba's affections and yet Baba still had sympathy for him.
I wouldn't know it until later, but the winter of 1975 changed my life forever. It was the day of the biggest kite running tournemnet in all of Kabul. Baba had faith that I could win and have the last standing kite. If I could do it, Baba would see me at a whole new level. I readied my kite with Hassan and it took off. Thousands of kites gracefuly floated in the sky. As the minutes passed the number of kites dwindled down. From the corner of my eye I could see Baba sitting on the roof eyeing me. This was my shot. A mere two hours later there were only two kites left in the sky. The blue one and my very own. My hands stained with blood and blisters I could hear Hassan next to me cheering me on. "The Lift adn Dive," Hassan whispered. It was an old trick Hassan had taught me that never failed in kite running. It worked! I was the Kite Running Champion. Hassan took off to go and retrieve the blue kite. I stood there letting it sink in, it was still hard to believe. I raced after Hassan down the street never happier in my life. Panting, I slowed down and peered around an old ally. Hassan was on the ground with three boys surronding him. They were taunting him, whipping him, and beating him up. The gashes on his back with blood spilling out sent shivers up my spin. This was my chance to stand up for Hassan just like he had for me so many times. Instead, I ran. I ran and ran all the way back home.
A week later, Ali (Baba's servent and Hassan's father) came to Baba with the news. He and Hassan would be leaving. Baba begged them to stay and sobbed for weeks after they left. That was last time I ever got spoke to Hassan. My best friend.