My name is Amir, and this is my story.


Being the champion of the Kite Running Tournament was Amir's way of gaining affection from his father. While Hassan was retrieving the winning kite he was harrased and beatup because of his race. Behind the corner Amir watched. A friend was betrayed, and a friendship was over.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Analysis, Editing

After watching the film 'The Kite Runner' I would say the editing was not terrible but could have been much better. As a viewer, it seemed very choppy when going from one scene to the next, there were sometimes a pause of black between scenes, a lot from the book was left out, and the flashbacks were hard to follow. Other than that the editing was decent throughout the movie.
The editing would have been much more efficient if the flashbacks and such were easier to follow. It was a creative idea to start the movie with the ending scene, but I thought that since we had already seen the same scene at the beginning the ending didn't give me that lasting impression that good movies should give you. To improve this error I would suggest that the editor have the same opening and closing scene but slightly change the ending scene by adding a little more. I would also suggest doing not so many present to past flashbacks. A few is alright but with too many it gets overwhelming.
I also thought that the editor edited too much out from the book. There were many key parts from the book that were not even mentioned in the movie. For example Amir talk a lot about how he visited the poorest of the poor in huts on his journey to rescue Soharb. I think that if scenes were added to the film to show the viewer what the poor people were going through it would help get the message across and give us a very in depth visual of what is really going on in present day Afghanistan today.
Over all, the editing could have been improved to make a better quality movie. I believe this movie could be magnificent with a little more description and a little less flashbacks.

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