My name is Amir, and this is my story.


Being the champion of the Kite Running Tournament was Amir's way of gaining affection from his father. While Hassan was retrieving the winning kite he was harrased and beatup because of his race. Behind the corner Amir watched. A friend was betrayed, and a friendship was over.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Anaylsis, Art Direction

The Art Director did a fantastic job capturing the look of Afghanistan. From the people to the city, the set looked as though it came right out of the worldly news we see every day. I also liked how the movie gave the viewers the real picture. The harshness and cruelty of the Taliban was not softened and it was a huge eye opener. We all knew it was bad over seas. The film The Kite Runner actually showed us how bad it was.
The set of the city and country Afghanistan was a riveting scene in the film. The city looked like it had been through a massive storm because of all the destruction. Houses that were lob sided and about to fall down lined the streets, while markets and thousands of people walked every which way. Another element that helped create visual in the movie was the fact that half of the movie was spoken in the language of Afghanistan. Although it was sometimes hard to understand even with the sub title the speaking of the language brought out the culture of Afghanistan.
I believe the way the Director portrayed the scenes helped bring out the message of the story. If they would not have been so descriptive with the costumes we would not have gotten the message of how bad it actually is over in the Middle East Countries. When evaluating Art Direction I would say the Director did an excellent job.

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